Wilsonia College    


Wilsonia is a temple of learning where the focus lies in imparting Education with Devotion and a zest for a service to mankind. For Wilsonia the word Education is not restricted to the mere knowledge of three ‘R’s’ instead our mission is of shaping the intellect, character and career, as well as the spiritual, social, political and emotional ideologies of those who come here in pursuit of knowledge. The aim is to give the pupils the tool that will shape the world to their own advantage, rather than be distorted by the ills of existing social structure. At Wilsonia we prepare the young ones to step into the progressive era and be a part of the global village, while retaining and maintaining our cultural values. The endeavour is to create in the students, the desire to achieve great heights of success and be ideal citizens of our country.


For any queries about wilsonia contact: santrams@sancharnet.in